For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that He died for us all, therefore, in Him, all died. And He died for all, that those who live in Him should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and was raised again.
So from now on we regard no one according to the flesh, because we once regarded Christ in this way, so we do so no longer. 2 Cor. 5:14-16 I was with a homeless man a little while ago, searching for ways to help him. I thought about finding him a place to live, a job, clothes, food, all the regular things we identify as a way of helping a person in need. I thought about the power these things have over our lives and how important they are to living. I made a list and formulated a plan of action and thought about the money I would need to do it. I thought about the money and the true power which comes from having it, and I grew sad because I didn’t have enough. It was then, in prayer, that I was reminded that money is power, but not true power—at least not for Christians. We know that true power lives in love, in the spirit, and in wisdom. I was reminded that all things are possible for God and that it was in giving of myself that I could truly help. We are so inundated by information that compels us to isolate, not just now in the midst of our “quarantine,” but before this and for a while now. I have even heard “we are better off alone,” (or some such phrase) creep into conversations as a justification for not helping, or caring about someone else, but that is lie—we are not better off. We are all God’s people. Jesus lived and died for us all, and true life—what we call power—is found in Him and through the Holy Spirit, in each of us. Wisdom is the ability to see beyond the information, around the conflict, through the isolation, and recognize the face of God. We may be separated, but we are all one in Christ Jesus our Lord! I love the song-hymn, As the Deer, based on Psalm 42. I encourage you to watch the first video and read along with the singing. Pray for a moment after, then play the second video. Now pray now for the Holy Spirit to open, guide and fill your spirit with love and hope. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3:27-28 AMEN.
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Greeting Brothers and Sisters.
Most of you know that I am devotee of C. S. Lewis. Lewis was blessed by God in so many ways to speak to the core issues of our faith and relationship with God. I frequently listen to his books while driving and at home. Some of his books have been recorded multiple times and by different studios, so I find I am further blessed by the variety of voices from the different speakers hired to read his writings. This is a good thing, since Lewis wrote in an earlier time in British English, and at times is a bit difficult to understand. I have found that, while I may like one reader better than another, I am edified by listening to different readers read the same thing. This practice of listening to different readers has served me well as I try to comprehend what Lewis is saying, but it is also a wonderful practice to use when trying to understand the self. Below I have included three links to a beautiful hymn song, You Raise Me Up. I have found that while listening to these different voices praise God through song, I am humbled and raised up in profound and wonderful ways. I pray that you hear the voice of God speaking to you and hear God’s presence in unique and powerful ways. 《You Raise Me Up》 You Raise Me Up (with lyrics) - Selah Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up **Lyrics** |
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