Fr. Bill† was born and raised in Washington D.C. and Maryland and is a graduate of Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, MD. Fr. Bill felt the call to ordained ministry when he was six years old and accrued a lifetime of experience, including ten years in the United States Marine Corps, before his ordination in 1997.
As a graduate of California State University, Sonoma, Fr. Bill† returned to the Washington area to attend Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria. Over the years, Fr. Bill† has served on many commissions and committees in the Diocese of Virginia, however, his greatest love remains in the parish. He deeply loves liturgy and preaching and spends a great deal of time providing counseling and spiritual direction.
In 2009, Fr. Bill† was led to devote himself to a deeper spiritual journey as a Anglican Dominican Friar (OP). Having taken life vows in 2012 as a Dominican Friar, Fr. Bill† displays a zeal and resonance for biblical preaching and a devotion to a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Fr. Bill† is married to Jennifer, a Theological Studies graduate of Virginia Seminary, and has been blessed with five children.