Hearing God's Call
From last week's letter: "Next week we will learn how to hear the voice of God" “Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked. “Yes,” Jesus answered. “Have you never read: ‘From the mouths of children and babes you have ordained praise’?” Matthew 21:16 This verse is part of the larger context of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, which occurs in Matthew 21:1-17. In this passage, Jesus enters the city riding on a donkey, and the people welcome Him by spreading their cloaks and palm branches on the road (verse 8). We celebrate - and somewhat reenact this significant journey on Palm Sunday. The crowds also shout "Hosanna to the Son of David!" and "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" (verse 9). This tumultuous welcome enrages the chief priests and scribes, who question Jesus about the commotion. It is in response to their questioning that Jesus quotes Psalm 8:2: “Through the praise of children and babes you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” In the deeper meaning of this verse we understand that praise can come from unexpected sources. The religious leaders, who were not praising God, expected praise for God to come from the learned and wise individuals, such as themselves. Jesus turns this expectation on its head by affirming that even young children and babes, who are often overlooked and underestimated, are capable of offering genuine and meaningful praise to God. They have a direct and uninhibited connection with their God, independent of any religious or even adult “mediator.” I have heard (I hope you have, as well) profound and moving utterances from children regarding God. I have stood in the presence of children praising God and heard them speak words of praise well beyond their years or experience. These experiences highlight what this verse is about; the purity and sincerity of the praise that comes from the mouths of children and babes is a witness to the Divine connection to God that we all have and at times tragically lose. Unlike the religious leaders who were filled with pride and self-righteousness, the children offered praise to Jesus with pure hearts and genuine enthusiasm. This passage thus serves as a reminder for believers to approach God with a pure and humble heart, free from pretense and arrogance, as children do. What do children have that we don’t? Focus. Focus? Well, maybe it’s just the lack of distractions. That may seem counterintuitive; after all, children’s attention span is measured in moments, but when they lock on—they lock on. We have raised “attention to distraction” to an art form. I have been acutely aware, in the past months of conversations, that many if not most of the people in group discussions can’t wait for the speaker's point. Sidebar conversations, once regarded as the height of rudeness, erupt almost immediately when someone else starts to speak. Patience and focus have been lost. We need to focus on what’s important and be patient in order to receive/recognize/receive it. As people of faith, we will all say that God is the most important and that hearing God’s Call is the most desirable; we need to live into that truth. We need to resist falling into discouragement, dissolution, and depression because of the threats and schemes of the enemy—or the evil that is in our world. Rather, focus upon what God has done and is doing in your life and for others. Elijah ran in fear and became morose when Jezabel sent men to kill him, it wasn’t until Elijah heard the still small voice of God that he was lifted out of the disillusionment, discouragement and depression he was experiencing (1 Kings 19:12) Like Elijah, lean into God, seek Him with all your heart, and expect to hear His voice to strengthen and guide you into a new season and a fresh assignment! God can communicate in any way He chooses, and it may be in very dramatic ways. However, most often God speaks to us with a “still, small voice.” To hear the Call of God, you must learn to hear God’s silence. For that still, small voice of God to be heard over the din of our distractions, like Elijah, the roar of the world must be stripped away. Spend time with yourself and let the distraction go. Naturally, this will take time. Whole minutes will need to pass before your mind stops spinning. Reaching in and out to lock onto–well, anything, you will eventually settle, and peace and focus will be possible. The still small voice is there waiting for you, and from that place of transitory contact, profound life changes are possible. Take heart! Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). Our ability to recognize His voice is given to us by the Holy Spirit who came and indwelt in you. You hear His voice—whether you realize it or not! That moment of peaceful focus is the primer, now you must tune your spiritual receiver to His frequency! Just like tuning a radio to your favorite station, you must tune your spirit to God’s Spirit to hear the “broadcast” of heaven! Next week we will look at how we can strengthen our focus to do this continuously through our daily ups and downs. As a babe listening to His voice, Fr. Bill+
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AuthorFather Bill Burk† Archives
February 2025
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